Describe yourself in 140 characters or less.
Husker Football. Proud to be an American. Love my job! Family and Friends are important to me!
What was your first Apple product?
My first love was the iPod Mini. I also saw the original iPhone 2G fall to the bottom of a lake and it broke my heart. I really didn’t jump on the Apple train until my first iPhone. Verizon iPhone 4 – black – 8GB.
Which super power would you choose? Flight or invisibility?
Just think of how fast you can get places!! – FLY!
What is the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten?
I spent a week in Manhattan eating a ton of great food. Though the craziest would have to be Alligator meat at a pub in New York for Thanksgiving dinner- Sooooo good!
What is your favorite Apple product?
Currently iPhone 6+. It has grown on me a lot.
You just survived an outing on the show Naked and Afraid. What’s your first meal back in civilization?
My favorite meal growing up as a kid, spaghetti and meatballs with garlic toast – homemade at my dinner table. Takes me back!
If you could be any fictional character, who would you be?
Batman of course! Duh!
If you could have dinner with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be?
I would choose to have dinner with Warren Buffet at Honest Abes, drinking Moscow Mules. He is buying. I would love to see peoples’ reactions!
Choose one electronic device to describe yourself and explain why.
I remember very useless information most of time; phone numbers, addresses, license plate numbers, etc. I also remember very important information when needed; customers’ first names, previous purchases, kids’ names, etc. So I would have to be a very large external hard drive. A source for all your stored data!